#SerenadesRedefined - The Proposal: The Fun, The Laughter & Her Answer

Hey guys, hope you are all looking forward to enjoying the weekend like I am? ...so we worked really hard on a serenaded proposal we executed for a lovestruck client and all through Wednesday and Thursday, we posted a series of images and a video across our social media channels showing you the preparations that we put into making the client's proposal to the woman of his dreams just awesome!! We hope you saw them, but just incase you did not (where were you?); here they are again.

First is the lovely video on YouTube capturing all of the preparations we made to make our client's serenaded proposal unforgettable. Watch and enjoy. 
PS: We will be posting the main proposal video soon, so watch out for it.

Next are the moments captured in pictures and excluded from the video, yeeeeeesssss we love y'all so much that's why we are sharing the details with you. Here we go, Enjoy!!!

Prepping the venue for the proposal; the right decorations, setpieces etc. The venue sets the tone for the entire event and at Nino Charmaine, we make sure our venues are top-notch!
Yes oo, our work is always executed to perfection...we would have it no other way. 
The right lightning to exude the right mood and feelings
We go all the way for our clients and we are not afraid to take off our shoes and bend our backs to get the work done. And yes, those are petals
Beautiful, isn't it? The recipient thought so too, that's why her answer was a... wait for it; watch out for the main video!! lol
Did we remember to tell you that we love our work? Yes we do!!!
At Nino Charmaine, our client's happiness is always at the top of our mind and we understand that adequate preparation will lead to a flawlessly executed serenade and in the end make our client very very happy!!
Hang out with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Pinterest, hanging out with us on social media is so much fun.
